Successfully used by many companies

"The swift initiation of the project marked a notable personal achievement. Witnessing a significant surge in key metrics after the first iteration of the process a few months later affirmed our confidence in being on the right path."
Gabriele Tölle
Head of E2E-Processes, LBS Westdeutsche Landesbausparkasse

"Swiss Post Solution is a global full-service provider in the field of digital and physical document management. ThinkOwl CONVERSATIONS integrates perfectly into our existing solutions. For example, we configure mobile HR apps for our customers' employees."
Michael Spieß
Head of Client Management / Board Member, Swiss Post Solution

"Conversations offers us successful end-to-end digitalization in our daily communication with customers and partners. We avoid media disruptions, shorten processes and make our service fit for the future."
Daniel Kolvenbach
Board Member, SIGNAL IDUNA Bauspar AG