Conversational Mastery: A Deep Dive Into The Functionalities Of Conversation Bot

Technology has evolved, and so have business strategies. More sophisticated conversation bots are slowly replacing basic rule-based or decision-tree bots that function on pre-set rules. But what makes conversation bots so successful? Let’s find out.

Evolution of conversational customer support

Before understanding what makes Conversation Bots so successful, let's recap the basics of conversational customer support. For the record, chat channels for customer support have existed for decades. Before the adoption of big data, neural networks, and cloud computing took AI technology to the next level, the first chatbot, ELIZA, was created to simulate human conversation during the mid-1960s. 

Since then, NLP and machine learning advancements have taken giant strides and given businesses new ways to serve customers by transforming text-based service and support into a conversational experience. Technology has infused a conversational property into the humble chat channel, improving its overall functionality and engagement.

From a novelty experience with limited functionality during the last few decades, conversational support has become a must-have tool for businesses, with each trying to outdo the other to impress customers. 

Why are conversation bots important?

To have a meaningful conversation with someone, it’s necessary that both parties should be able to understand each other. But can a bot understand humans? Yes.

With the right technology, brands can implement a host of features and transform a basic chat-based communication channel into a conversational marvel.  

Conversation bots serve in customer engagement and significantly reduce your customer support center’s call volumes. With rigorous training and the study of massive data sets, conversation bots use AI and deep learning to determine user intent and resolve customer queries efficiently. When that happens, your business delivers the fastest customer response times, improves agent satisfaction through the highest possible automation, and exhibits intuitive operability. We shall look at these features in detail. 



Advanced conversation bots can decode user intentions

To fulfill the needs of modern businesses and customers, AI-powered Bots need to be able to hold meaningful conversations with users. That becomes possible when the messaging application understands its users and their intentions. And what makes these bots so alert and sentient? 

Bots are programmed to understand customers: With proper training and learning from previous interactions, artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) allow bots to understand the context of a customer’s message, making customers feel understood and comfortable. NLP also enables bots to converse with customers fluently in multiple languages, giving brands the ability to provide multilingual support. 

Bots learn from real agents: AI-powered conversation bots learn from your data, and after learning from the interaction patterns of live agents, the bot begins to emulate human agents. The bot knows what to do if an issue comes up and guides customers toward a successful resolution. 

Bots automate the flow of customer conversation: Customers reach out for support from brands for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the reasons can be serious, while other times, they can be for less serious issues like inquiries, etc. In such a scenario, how does the bot determine which customer interaction is a priority and which one is not?

When it comes to handling situations where the customer is asking for live support or the issue is complicated and needs human diligence, the bot can guide the customer to the next available agent. What’s more? The bot catalogs all necessary customer data and makes it available to the agent in a contextual way. This way, the customer doesn’t feel hassled at having to repeat or key in information, and support staff can easily pinpoint the issue and work towards providing an accurate and swift resolution.  

Bots can understand customer sentiments: Modern conversation bots and sentiment analysis tools can effectively identify customer sentiments when they are trying to reach your brand for support. The bot can identify priority requests/tickets and guide customers to a speedy resolution. 

State-of-the-art conversation bots can be your clients’ one-stop solution gateway

Conversation bots excel at offering personalized support. They can tailor their responses to individual customers based on their purchase history, preferences, and past interactions. This personalized approach makes customers feel valued and understood, fostering stronger relationships with the brand.

Conversation bots also offer contextual responses to customer issues and resolve common queries. They can access FAQs, knowledge bases, and other relevant information to provide accurate and timely solutions. The self-service feature frees human agents to handle more complex problems while reducing customer wait times and improving overall satisfaction.

Additionally, conversation bots can sense customer sentiment and allow instant handover to human agents when necessary. This ensures that trained professionals handle complex issues or sensitive matters, providing a seamless customer experience.

Multichannel conversation bots keep your customer communication unified

Conversation bots can be applied or enabled on several communication channels, such as email, chat, messenger apps, or even your in-house custom communication channel. When the AI Bot is implied on multiple communication channels, common customer queries can be addressed without any human intervention. You may ask, how does it unfold in a real-world scenario?

Suppose a customer contacts your business via their preferred channel with a common query. If the conversation bot function is enabled on that channel, it can successfully address customers’ common queries. Moreover, the bot continuously learns, adapts, and trains itself to attain precision in resolving customer issues. If, for some reason, the bot is unable to resolve a customer issue, then it can create a case that can further be automatically routed to the suitable agents for its due resolution. 

Creating a communication channel where a conversation bot can be applied needs to have a seamless user interface (UI) that delivers an excellent user experience (UX). A well-programmed conversation bot combined with a well-designed communication tool can significantly enhance user experience. 

Also, if the conversation bot is low-code, then there is nothing like it. Low-code conversation bots offer many benefits for businesses of all sizes. They are easy to create and deploy, thus making them a cost-effective solution for businesses that want to implement conversational solutions quickly without needing expensive development resources. 

Ease of navigation, quick links to pages within your brand’s website, ease of copying and pasting information, attachment of files, etc., are the small things in modern conversation bots that leave a big mark on customers’ minds. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to detail, since sooner or later, it will impact your ROI.

Conversation bots can give you valuable consumer insights

Insights are fuel for modern businesses, and conversation bots can be a valuable source of customer information. Conversation bots can extract important data like the total number of visitors, the number of clicks for sales inquiries, the number of customer queries that are successfully resolved by the bot, the number of customers who have been transferred to live agents, customer feedback after interacting with the bot, areas of improvement, notifications for training cycles, etc.

Conversation bots are secure, scalable, and reliable

Modern AI-powered conversation bots can be made incredibly safe as they come loaded with the latest security measures and the promise of getting updated as time goes on. Security measures like encryption, data redaction, multi-factor authentication, and cookies keep information secure.

They are also scalable as per your business requirements. You don’t have to hire extra support agents during peak seasons. The conversation bot acts as a virtual agent, shares the workload with your existing support team, and continues to satisfy your customers. Seamless functioning for frictionless customer support is what you get when you utilize conversation bots for customer service.

Why conversation bots are a runaway success

Conversation Bots are descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive tools that provide reliable support to users.

Conversation Bots Are Descriptive: If the customer has a problem and wants to know “what” happened? The conversation bot can pinpoint the issue. With the inputs received, the bot can identify the customer’s problem and give an accurate picture of the issue at hand.

Conversation Bots Are Diagnostic:  If the customer has a problem and wants to know “why” an incident/issue happened? The bot can self-diagnose the problem and answer the question.

Conversation Bots Are Predictive: An advanced conversation bot must be able to take stock of an incident/ticket, predict the consequences of actions, and communicate the same to users. In a way, the AI-powered conversation bot predicts process outcomes and informs users in advance, “What will happen”?

Conversation Bots Are Prescriptive: After predicting outcomes, the conversation bot must be able to prescribe remedial/corrective steps to ensure a smooth resolution to the users’ (clients/support teams) issues. The conversation bot tells “how to make positive resolutions a reality.” 

Today, multichannel conversation bots vastly reduce users' cognitive workloads. That’s why customers and support agents find it easier to find information, complete tasks, and resolve issues. Since conversation bots are always available even when live agents are not, they foster customer trust in brands, encouraging users to engage and utilize their capabilities, contributing to positive brand perception, and reinforcing customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Modern Conversation Bots offer 24/7 reliable service and support, ensuring no customers leave with a bad experience. By prioritizing responsiveness, user-friendliness, streamlined client-agent interactions, unified communication, and accuracy, AI-powered conversation bots can help your brand deliver exceptional customer experiences.

To experience the power of an AI-powered intelligent conversation bot in your customer support software, try OwlDesk by ThinkOwl. Sign up now for a 30-day free trial and watch your business grow. 

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