ThinkOwl’s AI Wizard: An Intelligent Mechanism To Simplify Case Management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a reality for many businesses, allowing them to take on complex issues with human-like problem solving abilities.

More and more enterprises are switching to AI to streamline workflows in their business ecosystem. And why not? AI is apt to enhance efficiency and productivity.

It is important to mention that the human factor will always remain relevant for a business, whereas AI can only supplement and assist humans. It is not meant to replace them. ThinkOwl’s AI Wizard is built following this logic – the core objective of this technology is to deploy intelligent mechanisms in handling customer cases and to supercharge customer support.

What is Customer Case Management?

Case management is the process support centers utilize to resolve, handle, and route customer inquiries or complaints. Usually, it is a collaborative engagement between service agents and customers, backed by robust technology, information, and rich data sets. Proper case management results in better customer satisfaction, thereby enhancing brand loyalty.

Application of AI in case management

AI enabled Customer Case Management

As your business grows, you tend to receive numerous customer inquiries from various communication channels. Managing this mountain of cases can sometimes be exhausting in a demanding support environment. It places an immense load on the workforce and simultaneously requires constant diligence.

To ease the process, AI plays an important role. It is an embedded technology within the ThinkOwl Helpdesk Software that observes how your team resolves cases and learns from their actions. After observing multiple cases, the AI Wizard provides smart suggestions for efficient case handling. 

Let's explore in detail.

Automatic case categorization

Support tickets must be processed, classified, and assigned to the correct team member. This would either be manual, which involves reading the tickets and manually categorizing them, or automatic, which involves setting up predefined rules within the system.

The intelligent classification engine in ThinkOwl gets in action as soon as the cases float in. It classifies each ticket into a set of predefined categories when all users have a joint agreement based on the context of the case message. For example, "Billing" is a correct category only when the customer message signifies any relevance to billing and all users independently understand and classify it.

How does AI Wizard contribute to the smart categorization of customer cases?

  • Functions around the clock 24/7, allowing you to sort inquiries quickly.
  • Tags hundreds of support tickets with precision in seconds.
  • Detect issues promptly that require immediate attention.
  • Enables routing functionality by topic or theme, ensuring each case is directed to the right service agents.
  • Saves time with smart automation and improves agents' productivity.
  • Minimize the issue of burdening teams with tedious and repetitive tasks.

Intelligent suggestions

The ThinkOwl AI Wizard effectively suggests solutions for customer case management. For the Wizard to begin, the correct resources must be quickly configured and activated in ThinkOwl's desk settings.

Your desk must already have these two entities pre-configured:

— Smart responses relevant to your business, and
— Knowledge articles and files, relevant to your customer conversations.

These can be set up in your ThinkOwl account by a user with access to this module.

Data extraction

ThinkOwl allows you to add Custom Fields to customize the data extraction system and meet your business requirements. It comes with predefined formats to ensure that all the data fed into the system are uniform.

The AI Wizard automatically extracts important data from case messages or subjects and begins learning from the information you manually insert in these fields. Eventually, the module automatically populates these fields with relevant data that would otherwise be captured manually.

Route cases

ThinkOwl AI Wizard employs matching and assignment rules for customer service cases that fulfill particular criteria.

The AI routes these cases to support agents, determining how and by whom support inquiries are to be handled based on the precise circumstances of each case resolved. Tickets are routed to those who have worked on similar cases before automatically. 

In addition, cases can be reassigned to other agents based on customizable conditions. When a case rule is triggered, the AI System notifies users, assigns follow-up tasks, and reassigns the cases for resolution.

Also Read: AI Helpdesk Software is The Backbone of Service Companies. Know Why!

How does the AI work?

How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Work?

The AI in your helpdesk software learns from your actions every time you manually handle a case. It intercepts any categorizations you have made, suggests the best ways to update them, and learns from your choices.

To help the users resolve cases more quickly, efficiently, and consistently, the AI makes the best possible recommendations, constantly records the user's previous actions as events, and utilizes them as training datasets for new suggestions.

Data sets are a goldmine

Artificial Intelligence is primarily data-driven, where the quality and relevancy of these Data directly affect the goals of the AI model. Incomplete or inaccurate data sets might not suffice the business objectives you are trying to achieve. Thus, choosing the correct data helps to get accurate results.

For instance, the clearer the meaning of a category or the usage of a knowledge article in the context of the customer message, the better the possibility for AI models to operate.

Training data sets

A few data sets are usually required to train machine learning algorithms to facilitate proper decision-making.

The more you feed quality data into the system, the success rate would be higher. As you handle cases, ThinkOwl’ AI observes and asks questions to learn:

  • How do you classify a case based on customers’ message
  • Which Knowledge Articles are used to respond to customers
  • What type of data is frequently captured from a customer's message
  • How are Smart Responses utilized to send speedy responses
  • Which users or service agents deal with a specific type of cases

After learning all this information, the AI module populates meaningful results in the overall case management process. This means that even before you open a case, it is already assigned a category; intelligent fields auto-extract data that users typically record; useful knowledge articles; and smart responses are already suggested.

Also read: Closer Conversations, Global Reach: The Power Of Omnichannel And Multilingual Support

To concludeThinkOwl’s AI capabilities include intelligent case categorization, data extraction, and smart routing, facilitating efficient case handling, decreased turnaround time, and enhanced customer experience. The best part—any business organization catering to any industry that wants to build a world-class customer support ecosystem can use ThinkOwl. It's a win-win helpdesk platform for both customers and support centers! Sign up for a 30-day free trial now.

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