In What Ways Do Different Industries Benefit From Helpdesk Software

Helpdesk software is invaluable for businesses whose primary objective is offering memorable experiences to their customers. In today's dynamic and customer-centric business landscape, the role of Customer Helpdesk Software has evolved into a linchpin for success across various industries. And the best part? Any business, irrespective of industry, can utilize a helpdesk solution to serve customers faithfully and nurture a healthy relationship with them.

Customer support software has revolutionized the challenging task of resolving queries by streamlining ticket management through automation and highly optimized process workflows. Besides simplifying how businesses handle customer communication across multiple channels, the all-in-one support solution further refines consumer experiences by ensuring fast, reliable, high-quality services are available 24 hours a day, anywhere, all year round. 

Throughout this article, we will look at various industries that can provide excellent service and have managed to carve their own space in the audience’s minds.

eCommerce Business

eCommerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet. Any model of business - from small startups to large enterprises, be it Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B), Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C), or Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) can come under the ambit of eCommerce, as long as it is done digitally.

eCommerce enterprises focus on providing clients with a wholesome experience. They try their best to deliver what customers want, wherever they are, in real time. To be able to do so, online sellers must attain the following objectives:

  • Provide faster and more efficient support.
  • Offer multichannel communication and transaction capabilities.
  • Monitor touchpoints for insights into consumer behavior.
  • Proactively identify and resolve customer issues.
  • Personalize the customer’s overall experience.

How helpdesk software can improve what the eCommerce industry has to offer?

Helpdesk software provides the eCommerce industry with the tools and resources to improve processes like service and support deliveries, facilitate customer assistance across multiple communication channels, streamline order processing, listen attentively to the customer’s voice (VOC), and improve organizational efficiency. Let’s look at some of them.

Intelligent Ticket Management routes customer tickets to the appropriate department or team more accurately and efficiently. It comes with a unified multichannel inbox that allows agents to view all cases in one window without switching between applications, saving their time and effort. This means customer inquiries from various channels will land in the same Inbox. 

AI-powered Conversation Bots can provide support services that should be available even if your agents are not logged in. AI Bots ensure your customers always have someone to contact and acknowledge their issues. With Self-Service Tools, consumers can also find solutions to their problems at their convenience, which is why self-service tools are integral to customer service and support.

In fact, helpdesk software facilitates real-time order tracking, providing customers with updates on the status and location of their orders. This transparency improves customer satisfaction and reduces order-related inquiries. 

Additionally, a helpdesk is also loaded with many other intelligent tools that can do all the heavy lifting of tasks in an eCommerce business, automate and streamline processes, and enhance customer interactions.  

Supply Chain and Logistics

Supply chain management functions involve planning, implementing, and supervising the movement of goods between factories, markets, warehouses, etc. Logistics management is a part of the supply chain management. It is an umbrella term for various activities like order processing, warehousing, inventory management, transportation, security, and safety of all resources.

Business success and consumer satisfaction depend on this intricate symphony of logistics and supply chain management, where precision, adaptability, and innovation are the keynotes.

How helpdesk software can help better the supply chain and logistics industry offering?

Logistics and supply chain operations often involve multiple stakeholders, including shippers, carriers, suppliers, and customers. Helpdesk software centralizes communication, ensuring that all parties can easily reach out and collaborate on a unified platform.

The solution keeps all stakeholders notified of the latest developments in the business, and predictive analytics alerts them if there is a probability of the customer’s demands not being met on time. 

An AI Helpdesk has redefined today’s industry practices to offer the best possible experience to consumers - be it real-time routing and tracking information or AI optimizing supply chain networks with real-time data that can be monitored with the help of customized analytics reports.

AI-powered features, such as Automatic Data Extraction, extract important data from incoming tickets and customer messages. The system learns the process from live agents, and over time, it executes the task automatically. The benefit? Customers are happy because they don’t have to repeat themselves, and agents are happy with the task automation.

Integration of helpdesk software with your existing systems is also possible, which helps optimize your organizational performance. In this instance, the software can be integrated with Transport Management Systems (TMS) or Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP), which are popular tools used by the supply chain and logistics industry. 

This integration can provide a whole host of benefits to players within this sector, like:

  • Get a complete overview, as well as specific updates in real time.
  • Monitor KPIs and share data with team members.
  • Enhance the overall performance of the supply chain.

Utilities Service Provider

The utility industry fulfills our lifestyle necessities like electricity connection, water, natural gas, telephone, postal services, and waste disposal. The enterprises in this industry provide public utility services with the common goal of enhancing the efficiency and reliability of service delivery and extending access to services to all communities.

To attain this objective, utility companies must perform a range of functions that may not be directly related to the core offering but are nonetheless essential. The quality of service delivery has a significant impact on the business. It is essential for maintaining a positive company reputation and strengthening market position. These functions are:

  • Maintaining and regularly updating detailed customer information databases.
  • Establishing, training, and nurturing an efficient customer service support department.
  • Streamlining customer complaints and tickets. 
  • Automate routine tasks.
  • Collect valuable information about customer preferences and problems.

How can helpdesk software benefit the utility services industry?

The helpdesk serves as a point solution to some of the common challenges utility providers face. Whether leveraging data from touchpoints to deliver personalized experiences, adopting paperless working styles, or deploying automation or a conversation bot that can execute simple tasks and guide customers to self-service, helpdesk software can do all this and more.

For utility service-providing companies, staff must collaborate and communicate effectively, increase productivity, and not lose precious time looking for siloed information across multiple departments. Special provisions, too, have to be created to factor in emergencies and exceptional cases. With a powerful helpdesk software, these tasks get easier. 

AI Helpdesk can make a world of difference and is very beneficial from an operations point of view. Not only can it help in robust customer management, but it also empowers support teams to deliver the best possible brand experience. 


Communication is a lifeline for society, and the telecommunications industry keeps it functional. It is a highly competitive industry where multiple players offer similar services. These are voice services, data services, video streaming services, and OTT (over-the-top) services. With millions of subscribers, it would not be incorrect to say that customer service is the backbone of the telecom industry. 

A typical support center of a telecom service provider has to field customer queries and complaints for a variety of reasons. Most customers call a support center because they need information about something or want their grievances heard and resolved. Primary issues generally include disputes over bill amounts, extra charges for data, poor network, requests for change in tariff plans, requests for customized group calling plans, and seeking help for technical issues like installation or relocation.

How can helpdesk software benefit telecom service providers?

Every call received in a support center isn’t urgent. Sometimes, customers can solve the problem themselves, but they may not be able to find the right information or self-service options. That’s why they try to contact customer support teams.   

Helpdesk software can assist your agents and reduce their workload significantly with intelligent automation and AI technology. AI bots can simulate human conversation, responding to text or voice inputs with contextually relevant and coherent answers. These bots are designed to understand user intent, provide information, execute tasks, and guide customers toward the desired resolution through self-service systems. 

That’s not all; customer support solutions help preserve the customer's golden record, which enables the company to have one comprehensive database with historical information related to the customer’s behavior across touchpoints.

This makes it easier for the brand to provide personalized recommendations and solutions based on credible data, besides anticipating and removing bottlenecks from the customer journey, thus creating an emotional bond with them and vastly improving their overall brand experience.

Banking and Finance

The banking and financial services industry does much more than collect deposits, maintain accounts, disburse loans, or recover dues and interests. Banks can be of various types, but the three most common types are retail, commercial, and investment banks. 

However, the standard services for the public include net banking, personal banking, and other banking solutions like current accounts, fixed deposits, credit and debit cards, mutual funds, systematic investment plans, etc. Whatever the case, banks rely on the public for growth.

Due to the complex nature of the products and services provided, banks and financial institutions need a dedicated customer support department to help people understand and select the right option. When customers have problems with their bank accounts, loans, or other financial products, they need to be able to resolve these problems quickly and efficiently. 

How does helpdesk software benefit the banking and finance industry?

Banks and financial institutions process a high volume of transactions daily, which must also be communicated to customers. A dedicated customer service and support division can immensely help, whereby timely updates can be communicated to the public. These institutions need to accomplish multiple tasks quickly, which may affect the quality of service. 

When customers call in with a problem or query, a helpdesk can help your support team and reduce their workload by intelligently routing critical cases to live agents and helping customers solve easy problems through self-service — suitably supported by an updated Knowledge Base

Suppose a customer isn't sure their problem can be solved with self-service systems and wishes to speak to the support team. In such scenarios, the helpdesk software can verify the customer’s credentials before connecting them to a service representative. The software saves agents’ time by automatically verifying and extracting contextual customer data and keeping it ready for agents.

Helpdesk software can help agents and various customer-facing teams by providing them with accurate information at their fingertips. Additionally, customers seeking clarification or disputing charges regarding their savings accounts or credit card statements can share documentation digitally. 

Helpdesk software also makes use of data and analytics, which is used to identify potential customer issues and proactively reach out to customers to offer solutions. For example, a bank could proactively contact a customer at risk of defaulting on a loan to offer assistance.  Investing in helpdesk software can help banks and financial institutions improve customer satisfaction scores and help them turn more profitable.

Banking and finance institutions must adhere to strict industry regulations and data security standards. Helpdesk software often includes features to help meet these compliance requirements and protect sensitive customer information.

Insurance Sector

The insurance industry provides individuals and businesses with financial protection against risks. Insurance companies deliver value to clients via three procedures. They are Underwriting Procedure, Policy Servicing, and Claim Settlement. Tickets, too, are created under these three categories mainly:  

Underwriting Procedure is a process by which insurance companies assess the possibility of insuring an individual, entity, or property. It involves evaluating various factors, such as the applicant’s age, health condition, occupation, lifestyle choices, and the nature of the object to be insured. 

Policy Servicing refers to the administrative tasks involved in managing insurance policies. These tasks encompass handling policy changes, processing premium payments, renewing policies, providing customer support, and maintaining accurate policy records.

Claim Settlement is the process through which an insurance company evaluates and resolves claims made by policyholders.

These activities demand proper engagement and communication with clients at every touchpoint and communication channel throughout the customer’s journey. 

How does helpdesk software benefit the insurance industry?

Insurance functions like policy servicing and claim settlement require liaisoning with customers and various other organizations like law enforcement authorities, product service centers, etc. Automated systems can ease staff workload and help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service operations. 

Insurance companies often deal with a high volume of customer inquiries, claims, and policy-related questions. Helpdesk software streamlines these customer interactions, ensuring that inquiries are efficiently addressed and resolved by routing them to the appropriate department ensuring timely processing and communication.

In fact, insurance companies can create and maintain a comprehensive knowledge base that provides customers with self-service options. Clients can find answers to common questions, check policy details, and access helpful information without the need for direct support.

Integration of Helpdesk software with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems is also possible, allowing insurance agents to access customer data, policy details, and communication history, leading to more timely and personalized support.

Most importantly, insurance companies deal with sensitive customer data. Helpdesk software often includes security features and compliance measures to protect customer information and ensure data privacy.

Healthcare and Care Services

The healthcare industry is a critical part of society, and healthcare professionals provide various services to people. These services are generally related to preventing, diagnosing, treating, and curing illnesses and injuries. The healthcare industry works by connecting patients with experts who provide treatment and care. These professionals include doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, and therapists. 

The industry also comprises health insurance companies, government bodies, and many private organizations that pay for or insure the treatment and care of their employees. Some organizations also tie up with financial institutions, and they finance the cost of healthcare services for patients.

How will the healthcare industry benefit from helpdesk software?

Helpdesk software that helps manage processes more efficiently can greatly benefit the healthcare sector. Like other industry verticals, it has transformed healthcare processes in many ways. For instance, AI-enabled automated processes improve the customer experience for healthcare services by reducing patients’ wait time and routing calls or inquiries to specialists or medical professionals.

Intelligent assistants like Conversation bots offer patients prompt solutions for their medical queries. Through real-time chat messaging services, virtual personal assistants help doctors, patients, and nurses to schedule appointments, find relevant information about drugs and treatments, and more.

Helpdesk software is also capable of maintaining a record of patient data. Not just that, it also records patient behavior, including the frequency of patient’s visits to the hospital or clinic. Depending on the patient’s historical data of ill health that is cataloged by the helpdesk system, healthcare professionals can recommend additional assistance or personalized wellness services to patients.    

Insurance and financial services are a very important part of the healthcare industry. Patients need assistance to survive the rising cost of healthcare. Helpdesk software can help keep an account of the patient’s financial health and recommend suitable programs that can help in their faster recovery without having to suffer the impact of the financial expenditure. 

Travel and Hospitality

Who does not love traveling? It gives joy, encourages exploration of new places, and teaches us so many things. Customers depend upon travel agencies and service providers for many requirements. Some of these can be activities like hotel booking, transport service booking, planning itineraries, etc. 

Then there are the not so liked, but equally important activities like rescheduling itineraries, dealing with cancellations, processing refunds, managing and intimating travel disruptions to clients in advance, dealing with accidents or losing valuable documents, tracking misplaced or lost luggage, addressing tariff disputes and bill discrepancies, etc. The travel and hospitality industry is
service-based, and that’s why it’s very important to ensure that customer experiences are fantastic.

How will the travel and hospitality industry benefit from helpdesk software?

Whether it is fielding traveler inquiries or inquiries related to the availability of tickets, hotel stays, transportation services, site-seeing, and tourist destinations, helpdesk software can help your support teams be prepared for customers, whatever the issue
may be. 

The solution can help travel companies communicate easily with customers via multiple channels, including social media. Travelers today turn to platforms like Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram to seek guidance, share experiences, and voice their concerns. As such, travel and tourism companies need to embrace social media as a dynamic avenue to connect with their audience.

Let’s look at a few issues that can be resolved with helpdesk software:

Every traveler's journey is unique, and sometimes, unforeseen hiccups or concerns can arise, giving birth to complaints or issues. These customer complaints can be addressed with helpdesk software that helps track, reply, and resolve customer issues. The solution can identify common issues and trigger necessary actions to get those fixed. Additionally, intelligent automation embedded in the system boosts organizational efficiency by eliminating repetitive tasks. 

Having a support agent ready at all times to attend to customer complaints can be tricky and unnecessarily increases the expenses of running your support center. Conversation bots in your helpdesk software can be the first point of contact for your clients seeking support. The bots can attend to customer queries 24/7, and guide them to a logical resolution.

For the travel and hospitality industry, personalization is mandatory. Personalization has come a long way from being a “good to have” quality to an absolute necessity. Customers love it when their favorite brands engage in relevant and personalized communication with them. But to personalize your service delivery, you need to leverage customer data, which can be obtained with the assistance of helpdesk software. Data and analytics of relevant KPIs of your business are continuously monitored, and based on that, further measures are taken to enhance CX.

Data can also be accumulated with the Satisfaction Survey as well. Customer survey data provide crucial information to help businesses make informed decisions about the experiences, products, services, and journeys they offer. Helpdesk software equipped with customer satisfaction (c-sat) surveys and sentiment analysis tools helps service managers understand the quality of assistance given to customers and helps business leaders take steps to ensure customer satisfaction.



Customer helpdesk software is a versatile tool that transcends industry boundaries, catering to the unique needs and challenges of diverse sectors. From healthcare to e-commerce, tourism to telecommunication, logistics to banking or insurance, it empowers businesses to provide superior customer service, streamline operations, and adapt to an ever-changing business landscape. 

The common thread is the commitment to enhancing customer experiences and building lasting relationships, making customer helpdesk software an indispensable asset for modern businesses across all industries.

Whatever industry you may belong to, if you wish to foster a customer-centric culture, and deliver the best service and support, do not hesitate to try ThinkOwl — the AI-powered software suite that is guaranteed to delight your valued clients at every touchpoint and throughout their journey with your brand. Start your 30-day free trial now. 

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