Advanced Analytics articles

Lost In Translation? Break The Language Barrier With AI Translation

Customer service operations span from small local teams to vast international networks with thousands of representatives. The primary challenge for customer support teams lies in breaking the language barrier and avoiding communication gaps. Fortunately, AI has transformed the customer service industry for the better. From accents to dialects, AI-powered text translation features decode conversations, ensuring multilingual customer support, seamless communication, and elevated brand experiences.


14 Helpful Tips To Deliver Great Customer Service

Customer service is more than a business goal for modern enterprises today. When done right, it can become the vista through which brands attain their goals. These goals are a motivated workforce, a healthy return on investment (ROI), patronage of repeat subscribers, and positive brand recognition.  


360-Degree Visibility: Tracking Customer Behavior Across Touchpoints

Is your team grappling with meeting heightened customer expectations amidst resource constraints and mounting economic pressures? A common misconception in the customer support industry is that you have to choose between a great customer experience (CX) or satisfied employees (EX). But the truth is, you can do all that and more by tracking customer behavior across touchpoints. 


Application Of Customer Sentiment Analysis In Businesses

Do you aspire to master all the factors influencing your customers’ brand experience? Do you visualize your enterprise as a change-maker transforming how people engage and communicate with brands? 


The Importance Of Customer Sentiment Analysis

At a time when brands are placing so much importance on customer experience (CX), conducting customer sentiment analysis can help you take your brand to the top. Customer sentiment refers to the different emotions that your customers experience—positive or negative—while engaging with your brand. In this age of instant communication, how can brands conduct customer sentiment analysis? Let’s find out.


Customer Journey Mapping Is The Way To Your Customer’s Heart

Predicting a customer journey, also known as customer journey mapping, is a fascinating process. If you are a business owner, you must have encountered surprise visitors (first-time website visitors for online businesses and new walk-ins for brick-and-mortar establishments). It’s a wonderful feeling if these visitors become your customers. Isn’t it? Can you visualize that process? Visitors, or people without idea who you are, become aware of you and your brand’s existence.


Why Customer Satisfaction Scores Are Crucial To Boost Sales And Marketing

Customer service can be incredibly complex and stressful. Giving customers the best possible support experience entails knowing what customers want. Measuring pan-organizational performance and customer satisfaction metrics pave the way for you to deliver what’s best for your customers. This behavior is common to all types of organizations that have their customers' benefits at heart. How can organizations achieve this feat? Through support-driven growth.


Role Of Data And Analytics In Improving Customer Engagement

Data is a priceless asset for businesses. It has always been around, but perhaps people realized its overwhelming significance in the last decade. Researchers, data analysts, and scientists — in fact, anybody who works with data unanimously agrees that procuring and using accurate data is not easy. But that does not deter people from using it.

In every aspect of our lives, we give and take a lot of information. We work with data when going about our duties, performing tasks, or doing any activity. We may not realize it, but a lot of information exchange occurs. Human beings work with data on a macro as well as micro-level. It is no surprise that data is referred to as the oil of the 21st century. Companies that do not use data and analytics will not be able to survive.


10 Essential Customer Service KPIs You Need To Track Now

From a customer’s perspective, customer service is an experiential process, so it’s difficult to quantify. It can be good or bad, fast or slow, helpful or unhelpful, among other factors.

However, for organizations, it’s a different game altogether. With sophisticated customer service analytics and reporting tools available, Contact Centers can track and measure just about every metric that impacts the quality of their customer service. Measuring the key performance indicators (KPIs) helps Contact Centers improve the overall customer experience (CX), lower customer churn, and boost brand loyalty. However, the abundance of customer data can entice CX leaders to track everything, which leads to information overload and analysis paralysis.