Business Process Automation articles

Deliver Human-Centered CX in a Tech-Powered World

How are you delivering personalized touchpoints for each consumer in this challenging economic environment? We are all being asked to do more with less, and this advice, although well-intentioned, puts many people (from across varying business functions) in a spot of bother. Not anymore, though.



Hyper Automation - The New Way To Streamline And Automate Customer Service Workflows

Every organization, be it legacy business houses, modern enterprises, multinational corporations, local retailers, or small commerce within a neighborhood - everybody dreams of becoming a customer success champion and providing value to clients. Ensuring value for consumers can be a lofty goal for enterprises, but with a little help from modern technology, the goal can be easily attained.


From Automation To Hyper Automation — The Helpdesk Revolution Is Underway

Helpdesk automation systems have a fantastic ability to accelerate the ticketing process. Not only does helpdesk automation provide quick clarifications to customer queries, but also facilitates handling complex issues that can otherwise be difficult to complete manually. 


Roadmap to Usher Excellent Results in Customer Service in 2023 and Beyond

How important is customer service, more specifically — quick and quality customer service?
A lot, actually!

For any successful business, creating a good product and selling it is only half the battle. Providing your clients with unparalleled customer support is equally vital as it is a crucial brand differentiator. This blog will tell you all that is there to know to usher excellent results in customer service.


ThinkOwl CX Playbook – Your Ultimate Guide to Customer Success

Customer Experience (CX) is the mainstay of all businesses. Businesses and customers thrive in a good CX environment. If you want to know how then you have come to the right place. So let's explore what good CX is and what are the requisite tools to improve CX.


7 Tips to Optimize Your Customer Onboarding Plan

For many businesses, especially the ones that generate revenue through subscriptions — customer onboarding is a task they are paying a lot of attention to. In fact, this process is gaining much popularity and importance on par with customer experience (CX).  It is a critical step in the customer journey and is a key element in making your customer’s experience value-driven and delightful. In this blog, we will see how to optimize your customer onboarding and make it a memorable experience for your clients.


Why Businesses Prefer Cloud-Based Helpdesk Software for Customer Service

What makes cloud-based helpdesk software ideal for businesses of all sizes? How does cloud-based helpdesk software provide businesses security, operational flexibility, and the most cost-effective approach to growing their customer experience (CX) capabilities? Let’s find out in this article.


Legacy Software Foments Trouble in Customer Service; Consider Replacing to Avoid Complications

Customer service is not a cakewalk. It is a difficult job and serves as the backbone of businesses. A balance between offering a great product and providing exceptional service is the sweet spot that allows a brand to grow, and earn the best return on investment (ROI).


What Are Customer Touchpoints – And Why They Matter

Serving customers and being a part of their journey is an aspiration for businesses worldwide. Companies are always alert and spend billions of dollars to serve customers. No stone is left unturned to ensure the right message for the product goes out to them at the right time and on their chosen platform. This helps brands to reach their ultimate objective of providing a rich customer experience (CX). When you have your customers’ best interests in mind at each touchpoint, then you are capable of providing great CX.