Automation articles

Improving Customer Support With Kaizen Principles

In today’s dynamic business environment, it is impossible to work without valuable insights. Implementing the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen lets you discover vital details about the drivers of customer loyalty and implement practices that improve your customer service and support functions.


Navigating The AI Landscape: General AI And Generative AI

The rise of generative AI, particularly the launch of powerful digital tools like ChatGPT (and its subsequent improved versions), marks a seismic shift in the technology landscape. Today, Generative AI is not just a buzzword; it's a transformational moment that's changing how software is created and consumed.


How To Reduce Customer Service Response Times?

Those who are interested in the growing field of customer care and service face a persistent question perennially. That is, how to reduce customer service response times?


Why Are SLAs Critical To Managing Customer Expectations?

Amid prevailing economic uncertainty, consumers are re-assessing where their money is spent. Most enterprises these days can clearly see the writing on the wall. For customers, the only thing that matters is their experience, nothing else. The transition of the economy from a profit-centric one to an experiential one has made this possible.

The requirements for establishing a successful business are changing completely. It's no longer about one giant sale. Rather, it's about a thousand small wins that add up to memorable consumer experiences and, eventually, long-term customer retention.


Consumers Want Transformation To The eCommerce Framework For Better CX

Far too many industries began their digital hustle after the onset of the pandemic. However, it is heartening to note that their efforts at digitalization are bearing fruit and still going strong. 

Even more encouraging is that consumers have welcomed modernization and believe innovation in technology can fulfill society’s needs. How has this mindset shaped consumer behavior? What are some other factors influencing shopper sentiments? Does the global economic situation matter to the average shopper? How does it influence buyer behavior? Let’s find out. 


Increase Productivity And Simplify Customer Support With Self Service

How can organizations successfully deliver on the rising demands of the customer yet prevent their service teams from getting overburdened? Multichannel customer service, personalizing products/services, and digitalization have all evolved greatly — individually and together as must-have components to deliver an unparalleled experience to customers. But take a moment to consider how your brand will benefit when you offer customers the best service — that of serving themselves.


Hyperautomation: The New Way To Streamline And Automate Customer Service Workflows

Every organization, be it legacy business houses, modern enterprises, multinational corporations, local retailers, or small commerce within a neighborhood - everybody dreams of becoming a customer success champion and providing value to clients. Ensuring value for consumers can be a lofty goal for enterprises, but with a little help from modern technology, the goal can be easily attained.


From Automation To Hyperautomation — The Helpdesk Revolution Is Underway

Helpdesk automation systems have a fantastic ability to accelerate the ticketing process. Not only does helpdesk automation provide quick clarifications to customer queries, but also facilitates handling complex issues that can otherwise be difficult to complete manually. 


Legacy Software Foments Trouble In Customer Service; Consider Replacing To Avoid Complications

Customer service is not a cakewalk. It is a difficult job and serves as the backbone of businesses. A balance between offering a great product and providing exceptional service is the sweet spot that allows a brand to grow, and earn the best return on investment (ROI).