8 Tips To Make Your Customer Service Process Economically Efficient Without Compromising On Quality

Customer service is the lifeline of most businesses worldwide. It also plays a vital role in engaging and retaining customers. Contact centers are so important that many customers have stopped doing business with brands that have been found wanting in their customer interactions.

Every company is under immense pressure to reduce expenditures and increase savings. Providing customers with service and resolving their issues is a business necessity, but it does not make the process a cakewalk or inexpensive.

"Cut costs while improving customer experience" has become an organization's survival mantra. But how is that possible?


The modern customer is in no mood to compromise. If something doesn't work for them, they will not hesitate to walk away. Instead, businesses must take several steps forward and accommodate the customer at the center of their policies and decision-making.

Prioritizing customer experience (CX) in your contact center can lead to significant savings and help businesses grow. Planning well and periodically reviewing your contact center's performance can be an excellent way to start. Here are some questions to ask:

  • What are your customers trying to achieve? Are you able to deliver the desired result?

  • Analyze your achievements vis-a-vis targets or desired results. How did you perform?

  • Are you satisfied with your overall output? Were you able to close the gap between the customer's expectations of your brand?

Answering these questions will help you align your contact center's business process to set goals. The activity may not seem like much, but if made in time, small changes can impact your business positively and ultimately help you reduce operational expenditure.

There is no need to choose between reducing the operating costs of a call center and improving customer service simultaneously. You can have both! Interested to know how that is possible? Keep reading, as this article has all the answers.

Make an overall assessment of your contact center

Identify the factors that contribute to your total spending, such as the cost per call, office space, employee wages, electricity bills, system purchases and maintenance, and training session organizing.

When you compare these expenses to the number of employees and the total number of calls made in a day, you will be able to calculate the cost of an average call made/received in your contact center. Of course, these numbers are not absolute, and the results vary from one organization to another. Still, embarking on this exercise helps you list all known expenses and decide where to reduce expenditures.

Three things you should keep in mind while conducting the overall assessment are:

(1) Average Handling Time (AHT)

Calculating AHT brings out the average time spent by an agent on a call and tells you how fast they are in completing post-call documentation.

(2) Calls Attended Vs. Calls in Queue

Measuring the number of calls waiting in the service queue compared to the number of calls attended to by agents gives you the duration of time every customer spends waiting to talk to your agents. Waiting times can be frustrating for customers, and a longer wait duration indicates dissatisfied customers.

(3) Customer Satisfaction Rating

Measuring your contact center's performance through customer rating and feedback is an essential assessment. These scores tell you how your contact center performs and indicate customer sentiment toward your brand.

Calculate costs cautiously

When you decide to restructure your contact center, attaining economic efficiency should not come at the cost of employee satisfaction. Dissatisfied employees can trigger a mass exodus of talented human resources. Before you know it, you will face low morale among the remaining staff, frequent workload redistribution, loss of time and knowledge, and poor quality of service passed on to customers.

When you are done firefighting these issues, you realize it has taken a financial toll on your organization's health. Shortage of funds at this stage further restricts your ability to revamp your customer service department (hiring talented staff, upgrading infrastructure), resulting in unhappy customers and loss to your business.

At this stage, you can expect two plausible outcomes. They are:

  • Either your perseverance pays off, and your contact center remains in business. Or,
  • Frenzied efforts to save the contact center draw you into a compulsion loop.

    A compulsion loop is a repetitive cycle where the participant expects a reward in lieu of completing activities or solving existing problems. If the efforts do not materialize, the business owner gets disappointed. Earlier, if he was unhappy with how the contact center performed, now he must contend with depleted finances in addition to the earlier problem.

    Challenges related to legacy technology, process management, and dissatisfied customers can lead to the feeling that contact centers are more burdensome than assets. If you have similar thoughts, you are not alone. However, identifying problems and working on them can help you attain the much-desired efficiency in your customer care business.

    This blog explains how to make your contact center economically efficient without compromising customer service through an eight-point plan.

    8 tips to make your contact center more efficient without spending a fortune

    1. Invest in employee training; empower employees with the right tools
    2. Multichannel support to communicate with clients — have a solid strategy for social media
    3. Leverage Conversation Bots to keep your business online 24/7
    4. Automate your business processes
    5. Use smart responses to reach out to customers
    6. Use content templates for faster messaging
    7. Leverage AI to reduce workload and improve efficiency
    8. Offer self-service support

    Let's take a closer look at these pointers one by one.

    Invest in employee training / Empower employees with the right tools

    Your employees are your most significant assets, and you must think about them before they begin handling service requests from your customers. Besides hands-on training with the right tools, training your staff with business and process knowledge can help your service delivery teams be prepared to handle any customer requests. Manage a sudden increase in the volume of tickets and keep everyone on the same page regarding individual and collective ticket management.

    Through transparency in information sharing, a healthy work culture is promoted. This also ensures tickets get resolved without facing bottlenecks triggered by staff non-availability.

    Do not forget to monitor call statistics and identify when your customers engage with your brand the most. Keeping your agents poised for peak hours can help reduce undesirable factors like long wait times. It also helps assess the quality of communication and resolution provided by your agents. Efficient and happy agents mean good customer service, which translates to more revenue.

    Also Read: Proven Methods To Empower Customer Support Teams

    Multichannel support to communicate with clients — Have a solid strategy for social media

    Your customers have evolved; therefore, you should grow, too. Evolution here means improving your systems to communicate and engage with customers. Legacy software may have helped your brand sail thus far, but if you are not using modern, AI-powered helpdesk software, you are seriously missing out on something precious.

    Your customers want a seamless, frictionless digital experience throughout their journey with you. Being in sync with your customers' favorite communication channels implies being available on the phone, email, social media, live chat, web, and messaging platforms like WhatsApp.

    An omnichannel support system helps you achieve this goal. Your customers will be confident that you are there for them, just a click away. Secure customers mean more business, which results in better revenue.

    Also Read: What Are Customer Touchpoints – And Why They Matter

    Leverage conversation bots to keep your business online 24/7

    Your customers should be able to have a conversation with you when they connect with you. However, it does not imply your agents have to face burnout attending to every call that makes it to your contact center. Bots today come in various forms, but their objective remains the same.

    Often, the first point of contact for your customers — virtual assistants, AI-powered chatbots, and live agent support via text on messenger platforms- helps keep the conversation centered around the customer and their problems. It is a fail-safe way to cut down on unnecessary human resource expenditure and helps cater to the 'want-it-now' attitude of today's customers. In addition, conversation bots facilitate businesses 'digital and mobile-first strategy — an imperative for survival in the post-pandemic world.

    Also Read: How Conversation Bots Aid Conversational Commerce

    Automate business processes

    Reduce workload for your agents and meet business goals simultaneously. Automation reduces human involvement in mundane and repetitive processes, leaving your agents free to tackle important and sensitive tickets. When you use automation in your contact center, you uncomplicate business processes, bring efficiency and agility in workflow management, reduce overall human effort, and make it economically efficient.

    Use smart responses to reach out to customers

    Imagine answering repeated queries from hundreds of customers daily. The process is monotonous, can lead to frustration, and there is ample possibility of human error.

    Sometimes, customers may not react kindly to slips and gaffes, and your brand has to pay a heavy price. If you think about it, such situations can be avoided, and your brand communication with customers can be strengthened through the proper utilization of smart responses.

    Send personalized communication related to products or case updates to your customers without the hassle of typing every message for every recipient. With smart responses, you can save time and increase your help desk's efficiency.

    Use content templates for faster messaging

    Contact centers send and receive hundreds of messages every day. Sending standard replies to common support requests or a similar set of customers can be a time-consuming process. Imagine the time your agents save when drafting service-related emails with ready-made content templates at their disposal.

    When you use content templates in your messaging, you speed up the messaging process of your contact center and keep the communication style unified and in sync with your brand image and target audience.

    Your agents do not have to struggle with the content style and grammar. Instead, they can focus on ticket resolution and simply communicate the crux of the matter. Even better if your helpdesk software fills up the various fields like the receiver's name or the subject line of the mail using pre-configured lists.

    Targeted, error-free, streamlined communication can do wonders for your business. Customers love to interact with brands that are articulate and customer-centric rather than business-centric. After all, engaged customers mean higher profit margins.

    Use AI to reduce workload and improve efficiency

    Artificial intelligence (AI) in customer service shows significant improvements in key operational metrics. Using AI in contact centers can deliver impressive results and boost customers' overall experience. Let's look at the most common AI use cases in customer service.

    Top use cases of AI in customer service:

    1. Contact center automation
    2. Optimization of service operations
    3. Customer segmentation
    4. Predictive insights and customer-service analytics
    5. Product-feature optimization
    6. Creation of new AI-based tools

    This is not an exhaustive list and is indicative of the versatile nature and usefulness of AI.

    The underlying objective of every contact center is to provide stellar customer service (CS) with a human touch. Contact centers use AI to resolve, handle, and route customer inquiries or complaints. Without AI, managing huge volumes of cases can become exhausting for agents and frustrate them. In contact centers with high call flows, AI shoulders most of the burden of handling cases and carries out tasks with utmost diligence.

    As a contact center manager, your investment in AI can get maximum returns if the technology gives the best possible recommendations to your agents during case handling. Additionally, training your helpdesk AI to learn from existing cases and datasets will enable it to provide meaningful solutions in the overall complaint-resolution process.

    Offer self-service 

    Customer support across various channels may seem daunting in demanding environments like contact centers. Not all customers reaching out to contact centers require agent assistance. A Microsoft survey says that almost 90 percent of customers do not like to wait for an agent and prefer solving problems by themselves. Such customers are a boon for your contact center. Not only do they save your agents precious time and energy, but they also bring down your operational costs.

    While a live call with an agent can cost between US $5 and US $15, self-service options for customers hardly cost anything. This is a tried-and-tested method of delivering quality service without compromising on quality.

    Providing customers with a consolidated knowledge hub within your helpdesk software reduces your agents' average call-handling times and boosts team efficiency. It also eases pressure on your delivery teams by deflecting minor queries to self-help channels.

    A robust knowledge base and self-help options provide customers with resolutions to their problems in the shortest possible time. In addition, it increases first-call resolution (FCR) rates without affecting your call center's service quality, thus making it more efficient.

    Also Read: Knowledge Base - The Keystone of Helpdesk Software

    Cloud-based helpdesk software can do wonders

    A cloud-based helpdesk software like ThinkOwl helps you manage multiple communication channels or touchpoints and enables you to take care of your customer requests round-the-clock – even remotely. All you need is an internet connection, and you are connected. The solution is also easy to operate and cost-effective as it does not incur any capital expenditure for hardware installations.

    Pay attention to details, ramp up service quality, and deliver an exceptional customer experience. Sign up for a 30-day free trial.


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